untitled, yet
bachelor project
installation of drawings (apx 200pcs)
installation of drawings (apx 200pcs)
The final Bachelor thesis as a result of a continuous investigation, observation and reflections on time, deals with specifics of perception of time, change and transformation and its impact on a human perception. It party outlines the issue of a memory (recollecting as a retrieving of past and olden, questioning its reliability, as well as the opposite principle – forgetting) – phenomenon related mostly with past, it strives to comprehend the time in a wider context than the one related to the past. Being focused on observing both outer and inner changes within things and phenomena caused by time, lasting, long-term affecting of the external factors, or even the natural evolution, the project explores transformations in the long-term horizon. Not only concentrated on their perception and capturing or recording, it considers both the universal/cosmic and natural phenomena and day-to-day situations and moments as short as an eye blink. Not to forget the question of an imprint as a trace/mark of present/absence of something that was, lasted.
Fleeting or subtle and unnoticeable changes caused by long-term processes are uncupturable by one single look. It is about making the invisible being visible. The other level of the work deals with the issue of formal options of expression in the drawing media.
The final installation is a serie of more than 200 drawings reflecting changes of the sky during period of time since 100 000 BC to the year 100 000 AD. Each drawing shows a view on the night sky observed from the same place, at the same moment of time in interval of thousand years. The changes are subtle, almost invisible, for a single human life impossible to experience. By precise hand-trancript of the sky map I also analyze drawing - line and dot - as a medium of experiencing time, change, trace and observation.