the return of  a white deer

art residency during pandemic lockdown in New Synagogue, Žilina, Slovakia
april - may 2020

circle, cycle, cocoon, seashell, spiral, eclipse, observe, encounter, relationship

cyclic movement in time, in form, in substance, in space, in body,

a circle as a never-ending movement, back and forth, where the end is the new beginning

a spiral

what does it look like in a seashell? is there an end point? or does it turn round and round and never stops...

what is it to create a cocoon around one´s body? I am building a shelter that fits perfectly, there´s no gap, no loose space, a perfect hideout, my new skin that I made out of nothing, it is coming from the inside.

a white deer keeps visiting me

a comet that comes again and again and again repeatedly in exact periods of time

with absolute certainty

the moon will meet the sun in the eclipse...what if they stay like that? what if they give the journey on their own orbits?