cooperation with Simona Gottierová
environment consisting of objects, sketches, drawings, videos, audio record
environment consisting of objects, sketches, drawings, videos, audio record
The project Not-stone was based on the former experience from Ústí nad Labem where me and Simona together created our first installation.
This cooperation of ours might be conceived as a conversation in a material in which we explore possibilities of things one can´t see on the first sight. Using strategies such as taking the thing out of its usual context and putting it into a new one, or by taking away primary and familiar attributes and learned schemes, we are revealing forgotten and unnoticed possibilities of things, so that one can get closer to the thing, to comprehend it better.
Our attention is focused on the thing no less banal than a stone. Although some of our approaches are based on phenomenological ideas, our working process is very intuitive. We´re interested in exploring materiality, processuality or questioning the reliability of physical or semantic features of the stone.
The installation consists of the objects, drawings, notes, videos, photo and video documentation of actions and an audio-record. The viewer is welcomed to intervene, to explore all the intuited and indicated possibilities by himself, he can take the objects to his hand, turn them, smell them…
We want the viewer to be unsure, we want to surprise him, intrigue him by pointing at the other-than-normal situations of the stone. We ask him questions and hint boundlessness of the possible answers. Can the stone be light? What is inside the stone? Is there darkness? Or a hollow? Is the stone soft? Does it smell? Or fly?
The visual characteristic of the individual objects and possible ways of installation indicate laxity and playfulness of our working process and to the continuity of our exploration and further collaboration.
During our residency stay we want to build on tendencies we have already set and continue with our ongoing interest in exploring materials, revealing the unnoticed, banal, mundane. We want to create and think (both in and of) work-in-progress environment defined by joy, surprise, wit, openness.
This cooperation of ours might be conceived as a conversation in a material in which we explore possibilities of things one can´t see on the first sight. Using strategies such as taking the thing out of its usual context and putting it into a new one, or by taking away primary and familiar attributes and learned schemes, we are revealing forgotten and unnoticed possibilities of things, so that one can get closer to the thing, to comprehend it better.
Our attention is focused on the thing no less banal than a stone. Although some of our approaches are based on phenomenological ideas, our working process is very intuitive. We´re interested in exploring materiality, processuality or questioning the reliability of physical or semantic features of the stone.
The installation consists of the objects, drawings, notes, videos, photo and video documentation of actions and an audio-record. The viewer is welcomed to intervene, to explore all the intuited and indicated possibilities by himself, he can take the objects to his hand, turn them, smell them…
We want the viewer to be unsure, we want to surprise him, intrigue him by pointing at the other-than-normal situations of the stone. We ask him questions and hint boundlessness of the possible answers. Can the stone be light? What is inside the stone? Is there darkness? Or a hollow? Is the stone soft? Does it smell? Or fly?
The visual characteristic of the individual objects and possible ways of installation indicate laxity and playfulness of our working process and to the continuity of our exploration and further collaboration.
During our residency stay we want to build on tendencies we have already set and continue with our ongoing interest in exploring materials, revealing the unnoticed, banal, mundane. We want to create and think (both in and of) work-in-progress environment defined by joy, surprise, wit, openness.
photo credit: Dana Tomečková