narrator´s labyrinth

site-specific intervention
art residency
Not Quiet Collective
Fengersfors, Sweden

in a specific, remarkable space of a former paper factory in swedish fengersfors, I created a site-specific intervention, when to a gaunt, dirty, abandoned, marked by time passing room, I recreated its original appearance – by cleaning, tidying and reinstalling of found objects and artefacts – however, this original face is just a fiction based on subjective imaginary  and a fictive narrative. it might have been completely different as there was no retained documentation what purpose the room might have had. by creating a fictive situation – as if nothing has ever happened  - it feels as if the time has stopped, time rapture, crack in the storyline. the certainty of the time and space perceived was undermined, the viewer enters an unexpected situation and is paradoxically confused by an order, cleanness, peace.