The Death of Mr.T

performance - installation

original concept: Peter Tilajčík
directed by: Peter Tilajčík
choreography: Nikoleta Rafaelisová
dramaturgy: Dáša Čiripová
art concepts and performance: Martin Hrvol, Ľuboš Kotlár, Martina Mäsiarová, Mária Ševčíková
original texts: Dáša Čiripová, Martin Hrvol, Ľuboš Kotlár, Martina Mäsiarová, Mária Ševčíková, Peter Tilajčík, Judith Butler, Luigi Zoja, Susan Faludi, Ferdinand Petiška
dramaturgy of sound and Sound design: Dominik Suchý
costumes: Ľuboš Kotlár
poster: Ľuboš Kotlár
light design: Martin Hodoň

premiere: 30.5.2021 in Bratislava

Father, you are the best
Father, you are the most strict
Father, everybody says
Father, you are so kind
When we were little we would wave at you
when you were leaving far away
we would live for you to come back. We were always excited by surprises you had had
we were pupils, now we are adults
you would forget about yourself
memories are foggy, the only thing is for sure – you shared your love
Father, you are the best
Father, you are the most strict
Father, everybody says
Father, you are kind

(lyrics and music: Michal Dočolomanský, František Hergott – „ Father“)

In most of the modern cultures we can find clear division of gender roles in terms of Mars/Venus archetypes. This definition was supposed to help provide survival, both on individual and collective level.

“The main purpose of the dividing roles of both parents was to optimise the chances to survive for their descendant and to provide them better lives than those they had had themselves. “ (John Gray, The Boy Crisis, 2018). By continuous destruction of a conventional model of masculinity the question of its purpose tends to appeal more and more intensively, which has a significant impact on inner lives of individuals, their relationships, and thus resulting family bonds.

photo credit: Natália Zajačiková