Before Eclipse
installation - light- time - atmosphere - circle
At Home Gallery, Šamorín, Slovakia
6.7. - 13.8. 2021
At Home Gallery, Šamorín, Slovakia
6.7. - 13.8. 2021
The author speaks on physical and emotional experience with the landscape. She observes, documents, draws, notes, takes pictures, records in the whole vastness and width of the images and emotions. Almost realistic drawings of natural phenomena, ephemeral natural events leading to atmospheric impressions are suggestively combined with sound platforms. In her drawings she captures subtle events such as pupating and hatching of butterfly, falling of snow, movement of a comet on the night sky, observation of colours of shadows and light…
Important element of the exhibition is also the motive of sun and light. She perceives their intense presence and sees them as an inherent part of the synagogue space. She plays with an idea of nonlinear time that moves around, vibrates, twists, spins, and in circles eventually comes back to the beginning. The exhibition is a reflection on time and space, contemplating that is opened toward all the art media, emphasising on their interconnection, harmonization, supporting and underlining one another.
„a man comes in feels like bowing his head down....but all the same he can´t help himself and his gaze is trying to embrace the whole space, to see it all, altogether, at the same time...the place, where the time meets another time. it is nonlinear. it turns around, wriggles, shivers, vibrates, fades away and comes flows through the light, it´s present in the walls, in colours, in silence. the shadow is equally present as the light. the light that comes from the outside, from far away, mingles with the inner one, with the light of the place.
the sound of light. the sound of silence. the silence has its own colour, the shadows have their own light. is there a difference between silence and quietness?
a cyclic movement, cyclicality of time, matter, space, circle as an endless movement – back and forth. the end is the new beginning. a return. spiral. what does it look like inside of a seashell? does it have start and end? has this end it´s own colour?
it turns around, with no end….what does it mean to pupate – to create a cocoon around my own body? it feels like building a shelter that fits perfectly without a gap, with no spare space. with my own movement coming from the inside – inside out.
the moon on its orbit meets the sun and in a certain point an eclipse happens……their complete overlap lasts just a very short time, however the world is not the same as before. the sun becomes crescent and its light changes the same way.
a comet. again and again and again, it comes back, repeatedly, regularly, with an absolute accuracy. its tail is an imprint, a trace, a touch with the sky. ice and dust and stone. stone. stone and light. and we are back at the beginning. again.
and who is an observer? and what is it to observe?
to wait”
I imagine waking up
and having a stone in my mouth
other time I’m falling asleep and I feel it behind my eyes
just like that
I wake up and it’s in the same room with me
it fills the whole space, the whole volume
only can I leave the room by passing it by, closely
The project was supported by Slovak Art Council in the form of stipend

photo credit: Ján Skaličan